Friday, May 7, 2010


So I didn't run the half marathon in Pittsburgh last weekend. It was a tough choice to make, but I got some good advice. I want to be healthy to start training for the Marine Corps Marathon soon. This wasn't my A race, why risk further injury. It ended up raining, too. I'm glad I didn't run. Not that I couldn't run in the rain, but when you're already protecting an injury, running on wet roads is not the most helpful.

Instead of running I worked at an aid station with my friend and her tri group handing out water. I have a new respect for the volunteers now.

I did the math for my marathon training plan. In 20 weeks I should run around 794 miles. I would like to say 800 happy healthy miles, but anything over 750 and I'll be happy. Depending on how the body holds up there may be the occasional long bike ride substituted for a short run. I have seen shorter plans, several with less than 500 miles. I want to go into it strong and prepared though. I don't think a training plan with 1 long run of 20 miles is enough to fully prepare me for 26.2. YMMV though.

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