Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 6 - The first day of summer

I know I'm a few days behind, sorry about that. I know they changed the daylight savings time but no one informed me that they moved the first day of summer to April 6th. It was 63 degrees at 5:30 yesterday morning, I knew I was going to be in trouble. It was 86 at 5:00 when I went for my run. I went 5.1 miles. That was the longest run I've had in almost 3 weeks. I did have to stop and walk a bit around mile 3, my heart rate was off the chart. Once it slowed down I started running again. I was slow, but at least I was out there, right?

Today was even warmer. I believe it topped 90 today. I came up with a lot of reasons to not go on a bike ride. I even took a nap when I got home. I finally talked myself into going for a short ride. There is a section that has a lot of long straightaways that I like to ride. I rode around this area for awhile. I had 9.5 miles in and had to make a choice. If I went right I could head home and have 13 miles in. If I went left I would have another 12 miles to get home.

It's 86 degrees out. Which way would you go?

I went left. I finished off with 21.72 miles today. It wasn't my fastest ride, I averaged just over 16 miles an hour. I was glad I took the long way home though.

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