Thursday, April 8, 2010

Guess what I did today

Yeah, before we get to that is it wrong that the title of my blog is Run Ann Run and my profile pic is of my bike?


So I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon today. It's 6 1/2 months away, I have time to train. Here's what's weird. I have wanted to do this for a long time. I signed up for my first tri last year, never really thought twice about it. The morning of my first race, I wasn't even nervous. I ran a half marathon in January, no big deal, signed up for 2 more. I have 3 triathlons this summer, one of them has some bitchin' hills, whatever. After I signed up for the MCM I was a little freaked out. What the hell did I get myself into? I know I can do it. I know I can. This is just huge though. 26.2 miles. 20 miles of hope followed by 6.2 miles of truth.

At least there will be some Marine pace booty for motivation :)

Now for today's run. Yeah... you know that "things never go as I have planned" thing. It hit again today. THE PLAN was to run 6.5 miles home from the school. 2 miles into it I had to call for a ride home. I could have run it. I felt good. My body felt good. What didn't feel good was the whipping wind that was bombarding my eyes, arms, and legs with little pits of unidentifiable objects. At times I felt I was moving backwards. Through this I'm watching the storm clouds getting closer and darker. I got another mile in before my ride got there. About 15 minutes after we got home we got hammered, and not in the good alcoholic way either. I wouldn't have been home yet. I'd have actually been in the middle of nowhere. No where to go for shelter. I don't mind running in the rain, but the winds and lightning I can do without.

I have Sunday's long run to look forward to. Not quite sure how far I'm going yet, but it will be at least 10.

1 comment:

  1. I know I've already told you this, but I still think it's incredible that you're all signed up for your first 26.2! Not sure when my first will be, but watching you take the plunge is VERY inspiring. Train hard and have a great weekend Ann.
