Sunday, October 24, 2010

1 week until the big day

One week from now I will hopefully have completed my first marathon.

Am I ready to run a marathon? Yes.
Am I ready to run a marathon? No.
Am I ready to run a marathon? I have no idea.

I know at this point you're supposed to trust your training, but I don't know if I trained enough. My longest run was 20 miles. I had I think 2 18 milers, and a 17 miler in there as well.

I'm nervous, anxious, excited, scared, with a little bit of taper rage all balled into one.

I guess all I can do at this point is just keep on running.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Still trying to get there

I knew the road to hitting 700 miles wouldn't be easy. Throw a new puppy in there and some leg issues and it gets even harder. I know, no excuses, right?

I think I still may be able to get close to 700 though. My running volume isn't near where it should be. I'm beating myself up for that. I'm going to break things down though, other than my body. I'm going to try doing more frequent shorter runs to get my volume up quicker. I'm going to be running 2 a days for awhile. With having 3 dogs, and 2 kids, and school starting soon, as well as soccer practice, I think it will be easier. Not that running a lot of miles is easy, but if I can run 3-4 miles in the morning, it will be easier to get another 3-5ish miles in in the evening when life gets in the way. I can run a couple of miles while the kids are at soccer practice or after homework is done. I have to give it a try.

I'm actually looking forward to it. I know I can knock out shorter runs no problem. Hopefully it won't take too long of doing shorter runs that the longer runs on the weekends become easier.

I know running a marathon is going to hurt. I just want to do what I can to be prepared to make it to the finish line.

I'll update my mileage later.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Get it in gear!

The first three weeks of marathon training have not gone as planned. Next week is an easy week before I start building again. From here on out I WILL DO BETTER

June's total 45.77 miles
July so far 11.2

Total - 56.97
643.93 to go

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Marathon Training - Week 1

Marathon training 1, Me 0

I knew this first week was going to be hard, but the heat made it harder than I expected.

I wanted to ease back into running so I took Friday as a rest day, since I had run the 3 days prior. I had intended to run Saturday. I thought I would go to the park, they have a track around the park that is 2 miles. The surface is much more forgiving than the roads I normally run on, and I thought a change of scenery wouldn't be bad. I asked the kids if they wanted to go along. There are several different playgrounds at the park, and they could play while I ran.

We got to the park around 8:45, a little later than I wanted, but it wasn't super hot out, and I only needed to run 3 miles. As we're pulling in I read the sign at the entrance. I had forgotten today was Community Day at the park. No problem, they were down at one corner, we would play at the other. I see some runners walking around and it hit me again that there was a memorial 5k today, too. I was hoping it started at 8:00. I talked to a couple of runners and they tell me the race isn't until 9:00. One asked me if I was just there to run. I told him, yeah, I just wanted to get a workout in. He told me to run anyway, they were all runners they'd understand. I thanked him and walked the kids to the playground in the woods where it was shaded. The track around the park isn't that wide, and I didn't want to be in anyone's way. I hadn't seen the kids that much this week either. I decided I'd run later. I played with my kids at the park.

We were near the track and I told them that when the runners came by we'd have to cheer. We heard the race start and after a little while I told them to start watching. We saw he first runner, we cheered, he waved, and my son started counting until the next runner. It was about 20 seconds. The next runner went past, we cheered again, then there was a little break. After those 2 they started coming in more clumps. There was maybe only 40 runners, if that. They ran 2 laps, we cheered for all of them twice.

I never did get my run in yesterday. It was too hot during the day. Once evening hit I thought do I really want to run now, then 12 hours from now go on another run?

I made the decision to start running in the mornings. It won't be as hot and humid, and I'll get to see the kids more in the evenings. I'm not wild about getting up at 4:00, but I used to do it for work and after a week or 2 it won't bother me.

If it wasn't Father's Day today I'd have run early. I stayed home to make a big breakfast and all that good stuff. I didn't get out of the house until almost 9:00. I looked at the thermometer before I left and in the sun it was 105. I got 2 miles into my run, I had a pounding headache. I'm running and thinking if I keep going I won't have any shade for the next 6 miles. I knew it was only going to get hotter, and my headache was only going to get worse. I turned around and came back. My 10 mile run today was only 4 miles.

This week was a learning experience. I WILL DO BETTER FROM NOW ON!

Onward and Upward

28.55 miles down
671.45 to go

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today is the day

For those of you who don't know, it was 3 years ago today that I got thrown from a horse and broke both arms, among other things. So I believe it is quite fitting that today was the first day of marathon training.

From here until Nov 1 there are no more excuses. It doesn't matter how hot or cold it is. It doesn't matter how windy, rainy, early, or late it is. If it's lighting I better run fast and hope I don't get hit. If there is a tornado coming down my normal route I'll have to pick a different path. If the roads are flooded I'll have to run in place. The only thing that can stop me now is a leg falling off or a death certificate with my name.

I got my 4 miles in today. It wasn't pretty, but I did it. It was 80 degrees, but cloudy, which helped. It had rained some on my way home from work, I was hoping to get some of that during my run but no such luck. I have a long ways to go, but I'll get there.

I think I missed adding 4.2 miles last week so I'm up to 12.4 miles complete 687.6 to go.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A journey of 700 miles...

Yeah, I know, my marathon training plan is 794 miles, and I'm doing the pre-training now so I should hit more than 794. Thing is I'm old. My body reminds me of this regularly. I just spent the last 6 or so weeks not running because of it. So my goal is to hit 700 miles during my marathon training.

I want to get to the marathon starting line prepared and uninjured. I anticipate substituting some long bike rides for some of the runs, and that's ok.

I did a 4.2 mile hilly loop here near home tonight. I chose the hilly route because I knew it would force me to walk. Since I haven't run in weeks going out and running 4 miles tonight would be inviting injury. I walked up and down the hills, I ran the flats. In a few weeks I'll be running the entire thing, but you have to start somewhere, right?

4.2 miles down, 695.8 to go.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This is getting very frustrating

I haven't run in weeks. I think I'm a few weeks away from running, too. This is starting to get irritating. I have been doing lots of Yoga. I have also been doing some spinning on my bike. My fear is I'll have to start from scratch when I hit the roads again. :-(

MCM training starts June 13, and there is a small buildup to that. I'm hoping to start running the week of May 31st.

I have started using a heat pack and muscle stim regularly. After I do Yoga or bike, I've been using an ice pack. I'm hoping, I'm really hoping that this heals soon and doesn't nag me or the next 6 months.

I need to start getting back in the pool regularly, too. My swim has really dropped off, but that could be because of losing running fitness, too.

Must work harder!

Friday, May 7, 2010


So I didn't run the half marathon in Pittsburgh last weekend. It was a tough choice to make, but I got some good advice. I want to be healthy to start training for the Marine Corps Marathon soon. This wasn't my A race, why risk further injury. It ended up raining, too. I'm glad I didn't run. Not that I couldn't run in the rain, but when you're already protecting an injury, running on wet roads is not the most helpful.

Instead of running I worked at an aid station with my friend and her tri group handing out water. I have a new respect for the volunteers now.

I did the math for my marathon training plan. In 20 weeks I should run around 794 miles. I would like to say 800 happy healthy miles, but anything over 750 and I'll be happy. Depending on how the body holds up there may be the occasional long bike ride substituted for a short run. I have seen shorter plans, several with less than 500 miles. I want to go into it strong and prepared though. I don't think a training plan with 1 long run of 20 miles is enough to fully prepare me for 26.2. YMMV though.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Closer to the weekend

It's been a couple of days since I ran. I did put in 7.1 miles around the track last Friday with the kids at school. The hamstring is feeling better, but still not 100%. I keep telling myself that my goal for Pittsburgh right now is just to finish. Then a little rest before I start focusing on a couple of tri's coming up and training for the MCM starts June 13th. With the marathon training going on I should be able to ROCK the RNR half marathon in September.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Running Woes

I set out on a 5 mile run last night in the drizzle, but things did not go well. I was .9 miles down the road when my husband drove by on his way home from work. I ended up catching a ride home. My right hamstring was locked up so tight I could barely walk. This is not good.

I did some stretching when I got home, and rolled it out on the foam roller. I soaked in a hot bath later, too.

I'm going to try a bike ride tonight and see how that goes. Now is not the time for an injury. I need to build up my mileage a little more so I'm ready to start marathon training in a few weeks.

Right now the plan is to just finish in Pittsburgh, then reevaluate. I would lose no sleep in pulling out of Black Bear to save myself for marathon training. I'll keep you updated.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday Night Swim

I love my Tuesday night swims. The past few weeks since I've been swimming at the college, they have been really big nights for me. I really like the college, pool too. It's not crowded like it is at the Y, most nights I have had the locker room to myself. I don't feel rushed when I'm there. It just feels good.

I logged 2250 yards in my training log for tonight but I swam farther than that. I'm just not sure how far. If I'm doing sets, and I forget which one I'm on I'll go with the lowest number. If I forget which lap I'm on, I'll go with the lowest number. I forget a lot tonight while I was swimming. Not necessarily a bad thing, because I was able to clear my mind and just swim, but not a good thing when you're trying to keep track of how far you've gone. I lost track 3 times in one 300 yard swim. I lost track of how many 300's I'd done. I lost track in a 100, that one may have turned into a 200 because I was sort of timing myself and while I know I'm slow, it does not take me over 4 minutes to swim 100 yards.

It doesn't matter how far I went, I felt good. I'm not worried about the distance at Black Bear, and now I'm starting to focus on speed for Hagerstown.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Workouts

I got a short swim in on Saturday, 1150 meters. I had wanted to do more, but my kick started to fall apart, followed shortly by my form. Then add in that the guy who asked if he could share my lane wasn't so much sharing as he was swimming right down the middle, I called it a day.

Too windy and cold for me to go out on the bike Saturday.

Sunday I ran 13.1 miles again. More running this week than last week. I actually walked very little. I'm not fast, but I have been persistent with these past 2 long runs. The first 10 miles weren't bad at all. It was the last 3.1 into a strong headwind that gave me troubles.

Today was a rest day since I won't get one on Friday. The legs were a little sore, too.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I hit the pool last night and I had a GREAT swim! I felt really good in the water, which is surprising to me because I haven't been in the pool in awhile. I got a good 2,000 yard swim in at the college. I really like that pool.

My workout looked like this
10x50 freestyle
1x100 kick
1x300 freestyle
1x100 back
1x100 kick
1x300 freestyle
1x100 back
10x50 freestyle

I could have gone more I felt that good. The last 50's should have been a cool down, but I did them hard. I had a class of Pinot Noir for my cool down. It worked.

Biked 21.72 tonight. The legs were a bit tired from Sunday still. I should have ran when I was done but I felt a popping at the top of my calf on the bike. Mainly when I was climbing. I can't say it was painful, but it was definitely uncomfortable.

Here's a tip for you, too. Don't try to change gears on your bike while you're out of the saddle and climbing a hill. Things have the potential to not end well for you.

Running and swimming tomorrow.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Long Slow Distances

My legs are very tired now. 32.86 miles on the bike yesterday. I averaged 15.81 miles per hour but I don't think that's an accurate reflection. The time keeps running even when I slow down and stop. I think I was a little faster, but not my best ride by far. The winds were brutal yesterday. I did a figure 8 in the beginning, it did not matter which way I was riding I had either a cross or headwind. How does that work? Somewhere along the way I should have had a tailwind.

Hoping to make a big 40 mile ride in 2 weeks where the majority of the trip is climbing. Between that and the long run I have to do that weekend my legs should be ready to fall off.

I really need to get in the pool more.

I covered 13.1 miles today on my run. I didn't run it all, I did a lot of walking. I needed to get out of the house, had to clear my head, and I just kept going. I could have made it home in 9, or less, but I got to a point where I kept telling myself I'm doing a half marathon today.

I have the Pittsburgh half marathon in 3 weeks. At this point my only expectation is to finish. If I have to walk I will walk. I missed 3 weeks of training with my knee injury. My heart hasn't been in it lately either. There will be other races.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Guess what I did today

Yeah, before we get to that is it wrong that the title of my blog is Run Ann Run and my profile pic is of my bike?


So I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon today. It's 6 1/2 months away, I have time to train. Here's what's weird. I have wanted to do this for a long time. I signed up for my first tri last year, never really thought twice about it. The morning of my first race, I wasn't even nervous. I ran a half marathon in January, no big deal, signed up for 2 more. I have 3 triathlons this summer, one of them has some bitchin' hills, whatever. After I signed up for the MCM I was a little freaked out. What the hell did I get myself into? I know I can do it. I know I can. This is just huge though. 26.2 miles. 20 miles of hope followed by 6.2 miles of truth.

At least there will be some Marine pace booty for motivation :)

Now for today's run. Yeah... you know that "things never go as I have planned" thing. It hit again today. THE PLAN was to run 6.5 miles home from the school. 2 miles into it I had to call for a ride home. I could have run it. I felt good. My body felt good. What didn't feel good was the whipping wind that was bombarding my eyes, arms, and legs with little pits of unidentifiable objects. At times I felt I was moving backwards. Through this I'm watching the storm clouds getting closer and darker. I got another mile in before my ride got there. About 15 minutes after we got home we got hammered, and not in the good alcoholic way either. I wouldn't have been home yet. I'd have actually been in the middle of nowhere. No where to go for shelter. I don't mind running in the rain, but the winds and lightning I can do without.

I have Sunday's long run to look forward to. Not quite sure how far I'm going yet, but it will be at least 10.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 6 - The first day of summer

I know I'm a few days behind, sorry about that. I know they changed the daylight savings time but no one informed me that they moved the first day of summer to April 6th. It was 63 degrees at 5:30 yesterday morning, I knew I was going to be in trouble. It was 86 at 5:00 when I went for my run. I went 5.1 miles. That was the longest run I've had in almost 3 weeks. I did have to stop and walk a bit around mile 3, my heart rate was off the chart. Once it slowed down I started running again. I was slow, but at least I was out there, right?

Today was even warmer. I believe it topped 90 today. I came up with a lot of reasons to not go on a bike ride. I even took a nap when I got home. I finally talked myself into going for a short ride. There is a section that has a lot of long straightaways that I like to ride. I rode around this area for awhile. I had 9.5 miles in and had to make a choice. If I went right I could head home and have 13 miles in. If I went left I would have another 12 miles to get home.

It's 86 degrees out. Which way would you go?

I went left. I finished off with 21.72 miles today. It wasn't my fastest ride, I averaged just over 16 miles an hour. I was glad I took the long way home though.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Fever

I had planned to ride to the LBS this morning to get a new saddle bag for my bike, but things never go as I have planned. I did get out for a ride this afternoon though. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous. I have been on my new bike on the trainer, but haven't had her outside yet. I also haven't been out since my encounter with the dog 2 weeks ago. It was a beautiful day out though so I just had to go.

I took a new route today. I wasn't even sure when I started out where I was even going I just rode. Other than some rough road it was a pretty good ride. It ended up being 19.3 miles. I'll add some to it to put it over 20.

Tomorrow morning I want to get up early and swim and hopefully get another bike ride in before all of the craziness of the weekend sets in. We'll see how that plan goes.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I was planning to run today, but things never go as I have planned. It was the trifecta of SUCK outside today. I can run in the cold, or the wind, or the rain, but when you put all 3 together I decide to wait until another day. It is supposed to be gorgeous here the next few days I'll get out then for sure.

I swam tonight. I had a great night at the pool. I am fortunate enough to have 2 pools at my disposal to swim in. I am a member at the Y, and I really like the facilities and programs they have there. What I don't like is the rude people in the locker room who bring their kids to the adults only locker room, or who bring their sons who are too old to be in there into the women's locker room.

Tonight, for the first time, I swam at the college. It was like a dream come true. The college just opened this winter a multi-million dollar fitness center. I'm not overly impressed with the workout equipment, but I can use it for free so I won't complain. Tonight was the first time I used the pool though. I had the locker room to myself. Most of the night I had an 8 lane 25 yard lap pool to myself. It was so nice. I think I will be there a lot in the next few months.

My workout was

1x50 <-- This should have been 10 instead of 1 but I started having big problems with leg cramps when I got to around the 5th 100. After this 1 my left leg was locked up tight. I decided to call it a night. I was pretty happy with how everything went. I pushed myself but I wasn't tired, my form wasn't falling apart, and I wasn't gasping for breaths at every break. Let's hope all my swims can go this well.

Monday, March 29, 2010


I have 3 triathlons this summer along with 2 half marathons and a full marathon and I feel like for the past month I've just been phoning in my workouts. I haven't done much at all for a week and a half now since I've hurt my knee.

It's time to get serious about training again. So I'm going to start logging my workouts here. Maybe having my workouts public will help me to not skip them.

We'll see how it goes.